
Showing posts from March, 2020

My Journey Through Film

Filmmaking 101 This was our first project on the SRC film and TV course. This assignment helped us learn many new skills and become friends with each other. The first task we got set as part of filmmaking 101. Filmmaking 101 helped me learn more about cinematography and about how important cinematography is with working with the director. We worked on the Shining recreation shot and the dolly zoom shot from Jaws. doing research and looking into the industry we found out how to do these shots and how the change the scene and add tension.  This was a helpful in my journey when becoming a filmmaker as it allowed me to learn more about cinematography and about the industry. It also helped me to learn how to use different equipment and experiment with different styles of filmmaking. The 180-degree rule  is a cinematography technique with two characters in a scene that should maintain the same left/right side to one another. 180-degree rule is often used for over ...

Showreel - Year 1


Unit 8: Developing a creative media production project - Final Film (Pre - Production)

Monday 2 nd  March 2020 On the second of March we figured out how to come up with an idea for a story. One way of coming up with a short story is a 6 word story. We first looked at the 6 word story, Baby shoes for sale, never worn. This can be interpreted in lots of different ways as it is from other people perspective and we went round the room and we all discussed what we thing this story is about. Furthermore, we went round the room and we all wrote 3 sentences and passed it around the room and carried on the story. After it’s gone around six times the story should be fully complete. After this we discussed characters and what each character name means. We discussed pour favourite TV characters and film characters and why they are great characters. A lot of people liked the anti-hero character as you can support them even if they are doing something wrong. After learning about characters and what they represent, I then did a character breakdown of one of my characters in my ...