film and TV production at college has massively sparked my
creative capability to write, direct and create great projects across a
wide range of genres. I have worked on multiple projects throughout my 2 years
at college and have had experience on every role on multiple different
projects. From this, I have learnt about cinematography, screenwriting,
directing and producing. The aspect of filmmaking that I have a passion for is
screenwriting and directing, which I hope to pursue in the future.
Showreel 2019 to 2020
This is a showreel showcasing all of my proudest projects that I have worked on throughout the two years.
'Picture Perfect Christmas' is a student made John Lewis inspired Christmas advert. This was my first big project that directed. Directing is the aspect of filmmaking that I am most passionate about and this project was the beginning of this passion.
The passion for directing was secured when creating a music video 'Free Falling' for an local artist Leuk. I was director along side one of my classmates, which allowed me to expand my knowledge and experience for film directing.
Doing podcast allowed me to explore a different aspect of media. Learning about different microphone uses and the different exposure of sounds has allowed me to use this knowledge throughout other projects.
Screenwriting - "With A Little Help From My Friends"
"With a Little Help From My Friends", is a short screenplay about a group of four friends set in the 70s. I wrote this before the first lockdown and was hoping to make it as my first year final project, however was unable to do this due to the national lockdown. This screenplay is massively inspired by the Beatles personal life story and throughout it has references to the Beatles and the 1970's. I am very passionate about this story and hope that one day I am able to make this in the future. This is the first screenplay I had written and this emphasised my passion for screenwriting.
Lockdown Short Film - "Patient 03"
Due to being unable to do an end of year short film, insteadI made a one minute non-dialogue short film, centred around the theme isolation. This was filmed during the first lockdown meaning that I had to take on each role when filming as I had no help. This was very challenging because there was lots of restrictions but I was able to use my creative ability and use everything in my household to my advantage.
My first major project during my second year of college was a Hallmark style short Christmas film called "Belief". I was able to enhance my writing and directing skills, this further secured my passion for writing screenplays and being able to make your story come to life, through directing.
Filmmaking 101 This was our first project on the SRC film and TV course. This assignment helped us learn many new skills and become friends with each other. The first task we got set as part of filmmaking 101. Filmmaking 101 helped me learn more about cinematography and about how important cinematography is with working with the director. We worked on the Shining recreation shot and the dolly zoom shot from Jaws. doing research and looking into the industry we found out how to do these shots and how the change the scene and add tension. This was a helpful in my journey when becoming a filmmaker as it allowed me to learn more about cinematography and about the industry. It also helped me to learn how to use different equipment and experiment with different styles of filmmaking. The 180-degree rule is a cinematography technique with two characters in a scene that should maintain the same left/right side to one another. 180-degree rule is often used for over ...
Link - For the February film challenge we had to create a sixty second short film around the theme of "A New normal". This short film features this theme as the dogs new normal was not getting played with. The inspiration behind this idea was I wanted to see a lockdown perspective but from a dog's view and what a dog's new normality is during lockdown. This was the first idea that allowed me to develop and create this short film. Another part of this task was to feature something broken which is shown near the end when he breaks the picture frame of the boy and his dog. Showing that his dog is a special part of his life.
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